2023 CERF Conference Presentation Schedule


Presentation Type:
Oral Presentation *
Lightning Talk **
Poster ***

^graduate student
+undergraduate student
$workforce fellow

US Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico

Please note that presentation schedules are subject to change. Visit the CERF website to view the full conference program.

Monday, November 13

Session: Estuarine fauna (E141)

8-8:15 a.m.

Kaleigh Schlender, “Urbanization driving Ocypode quadrata burrow density, depth, and width across Caribbean beaches” 

9-9:15 a.m.

Miranda Goad+, “Analysis of animal activity within mangrove wetlands on St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands,” *

Session: ECM: Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, Day 1 (D133-134)

8-8:15 a.m.

Lora Harris, “Integrating diagnostic ecological models into ecosystem research” (D133-134)

Session: High Impact Practices in Coastal and Estuarine Science Education (D139-140)

8:45-9 a.m.

Sierrah Muller^, “The USVI Strong Program: bringing coastal resilience to classrooms in the U.S. Virgin Islands” *

9:15-9:23 a.m.

Laura Bloem^, “Mangroves in the Classroom: A high school mangrove education project in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands” **

Session: Not Just Checking a Box: Inclusive Communication as a Tool to Engage in Resiliency (D136)

10-11:30 a.m.

This panel-style session includes a talk at 10:45 a.m. by Lora Harris, Cheryl Sangueza, Kristin Grimes, and Pedro Maldonado Rivera entitled “Building trusting islander relationships that lead to community partnerships.”

Session: Growing a diverse estuarine research and management workforce (D139-140)

11-11:15 a.m.

Kristin Grimes, “Inclusion at the Margins: elevating islanders in STEM from the U.S. Territories” *

Session: Posters (Exhibit Hall D-E)

4:30-7 p.m.

Kayla Halliday^, “GRROE-ing for the future resilience and Restoration of mangrove forests in the U.S. Virgin Islands” ***

Shamoy Bideau^ “Comparison of in-situ propagation and outplant methods on the growth and survival of Porites porites.” ***

Zachary Briggs^ “Below-ground Biomass Analysis of Container Grown Rhizophora mangle”***

Anela Duenas^,Ecophysiology of reef flat coral species replacement in the Mariana Islands” ***

Chloé Camacho$, “Analyzing the effectiveness of Crustose coralline algae (CCA) in aiding the growth of Acropora palmata.” ***

Lynn Galang+,Taxonomic and Genetic Diversity of the Corallivorous Snail, Drupella spp., on Guam” ***

Mayerli de Jesus+, “Arthropod diversity in mangrove and coastal forests surrounding the bioluminescent Laguna Grande, Fajardo, Puerto Rico”***

Edier Roman^, “Analyzing procariotic diversity in the bioluminescent lagoon at Fajardo, PR using 16S rRNA”***

Arianah Montijo^, “Analyzing eukaryotic diversity in the bioluminescent lagoon of Fajardo, Puerto Rico using 18S rRNA***

Tuesday, November 14

Session: Habitat restoration within landscapes: research, tradeoffs, policy, and practice (E141)

8-8:15 a.m.

Allison Holevoet$, “Out of the landfill: can red mangroves grow in recycled crushed glass?

Session: Stories from the braided river: nonlinear, enriching workforce pathways and narratives in coastal science and management (D139-140)

8-8:15 a.m.

Mike Allen, Advancing science by advancing people: Embracing my passion as a coastal science administrator

8:15-8:30 a.m.

Sarai Vega^ “How many turns does it take? My path to graduate  school and beyond” *

8:30-8:45 a.m.

Delsabriana Gonzalez$, “My ‘Soft Launch’ into Conservation” *

9-9:15 a.m.

Amanda Boissiere$, “Let There Be Science: The Challenges and Opportunities of a Blossoming Scientific Career” *

10:15-10:30 a.m.

Stephanie Lopez$, “Stories from the braided river: nonlinear,  enriching workforce pathways and narratives in coastal science and management” *

Transdisciplinary Panel: Working across discipline and difference to address complex coastal issues (OCC Level 2: Portland Ballroom 251-252)

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Lora Harris (panelist) “Working across discipline and difference to address complex coastal issues”

Wednesday, November 15

Session: Resilience, recovery, and response of mangrove ecosystems to stressors (D137-138)

8:45-9 a.m.

Allie Durdall, “Weathering the Storm (or not); post hurricane mangrove monitoring in the U.S. Virgin Islands” *

Session: Modeling to support the management of estuarine and coastal contamination

9-9:15 a.m.

Isabel Sánchez-Viruet, “Modeling floating wetland nitrogen     removal pathways and interactions with adjacent waters”

Session: Advances in blue carbon research and applications to policy and planning (E145)

10:45-10:53 a.m.

Julia Plotkin^, “Variation of Sediment Organic Carbon in Mangrove Forests of the U.S. Virgin Islands” **

Session: Coproduction with diverse stakeholder engagement for coastal ecosystem management (D139-140)

1-1:15 p.m.

Kristin Grimes, “Shared Visioning and Tool Development for  Improved Mangrove Restoration Outcomes in the U.S. Virgin Islands” *

Session: Posters (Exhibit Hall D-E)

4:30-7 p.m.

Lila Uzzell^, “Recovery of a Mangrove-Coral Community in Hurricane Hole, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands” ***

Denny Gonzalez+, “Optimizing Red Mangrove Growth in the Field:  Which Nursery Container Type Comes Out on Top?” ***

Jordan Silva^, “Debris in the trees: a saga of US Virgin Islands  mangrove marine debris research” ***

Sarai Vega^, “A Seasonal Study of Meiofauna Distribution in Pago Bay, Guam” ***

Anna Aguirre+, “Sustainable agriculture and the Microbiome: Plant growth response to post soil steaming fungal amendments” ***

Geovanny Borrero+, “Primary production level and variation monitoring present in the bioluminescent Laguna Grande in Fajardo, Puerto Rico” ***

Adriana Cruz+, “Monitoring population densities of Pyrodinium bahamense and Ceratium furca in Laguna Grande, Puerto Rico” ***

Thursday, November 16

Session: Codesign of community science projects for coastal resiliency (D139-140)

1-1:15 p.m.

Laura Bloem^, “Community Perceptions of Mangroves in the U.S. Virgin Islands and implications for mangrove outreach” *

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This project has been funded through a grant by the National Science Foundation.
